Friday, August 29, 2008

It's Friday!

Hi Everyone- It's pretty quiet on the home front today, which is very unusual for a Friday especially with a 3 day weekend ahead of us because of the Labor Day holiday.

It could be because the weather here in PA is pretty dreary. I hear it's been raining a lot but I don't look out the windows too often when I'm busy typing away. Things got a little stirred up this morning when Kathy, yes Kathy again, discovered we're out of Kit Kat bars but it was short lived, she quickly found a replacement.

Other than that Bruno's busy adding new hair replacment products to our store and all the techs are answering phones and placing orders.

Oh, Cait, my sidekick here (she does a variety of office support duties) came in from the rain earlier displaying her wet pantlegs, ooooh I hate when that happens.But it didn't bother her much she's on cloud 9 lately because of her new boyfried and we're all happy for her too!

I imagine you'll be hearing from Bruno real soon, he's usually full of interesting inforamtion. See you all later!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well done Nikki!! But lets try not mentioning me in future posts lol... <3