Thursday, September 11, 2008

Hey HairDirect Intern!

This is Barry. Barry is Bill's grandson and all around good guy. He is interning with us till mid-January and we welcome him aboard! Barry will be helping us with various marketing, video and support initiatives. He drives an ultra-cool car and is still in high school. The girls probably love him.

The Basics:
Name: Barry
Age: 17
Fav Food: Unknown- Pizza?
Future Ambitions: Go to Princeton and stay out of poverty.
Automobile: Audi TT Convertible
Intern Goal: It's not just to get out of school. I would like to experince an online business culture and more about the hair replacement industry.

Welcome, Barry! We hope you have a great time here and learn a lot!

1 comment:

HD-Nikki said...

Welcome Barry- good to have you here!