Hi Friends,
As you may have already read in the previous post by Bruno we've hired 3 great new hair techs. We are very thrilled to have them here and they are already making themselves at home here. Hair Direct makes it pretty easy to feel like you belong as soon as you walk in the door.These ladies offer a lot of talent and come from diversified backgrounds.
Camille has 36 years working in a salon and not only does hair but is certified as an electrolysis technician! She even owned her own shop for several years.
Camille has 36 years working in a salon and not only does hair but is certified as an electrolysis technician! She even owned her own shop for several years.
Margaret has 5 years experience in a salon and also has some with marketing. She has a cool hairstyle to boot!
Krystle has 4 years experience in a salon and also at one time got to work at one of my very favorite places to shop... QVC - sweet! Of course they are all wonderful girls and you should be seeing much more of them.
Till next time! -Nikki
Thanks so much for the warm welcome everyone!
Welcome Ladies! Thanks for your co-operation in letting me get pictures for the blog.
Welcome to the team!
Everyone here makes us feel so welcome! I am really going to enjoy working with all of you. Thank you so much.
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